It is always interesting to have figures related to social networks. Attendance, number of members, active users, activity on the site and mobile applications ... On the web, many statistics are circulating but some are outdated. To be sure you have the latest available figures, we regularly update this page including key figures of social networks in 2014, in France and in the world. They are classified by social network and source of statistics used is always indicated. Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus are the main social media represented, but we also collect the latest figures available for other platforms, such as YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn or Viadeo.
Statistics on social networks
Of the 2.484 billion of online users worldwide, 1.856 billion are on social networks, 74% of users and 26% of the world population.
Penetration of social networks in the world:
56% in North America
44% in Western Europe (42% in France)
7% in Africa
5% in South Asia
Monthly active users in social network:
Facebook: 1.32 billion
Tencent QQ: 798000000
Tencent Qzone: 623,000,000
Google+: 359,000,000
Skype: 280,000,000
Twitter: 241 million
Line: 202 000 000
Renren: 194,000,000
LinkedIn: 187 million
Instagram: 150 million
Nimbuzz: 150,000,000
Time spent on social networks: 2 hours per day worldwide, 1:30 in France.
The key figures for Facebook are:
Launch Date: February 4, 2004 (beta)
Opening hours: 26 September 2006
Monthly active users (MAU): 1.32 billion (26 million in France).
Monthly active users on mobile: 1.07 million (13 million in France).
Daily active users (DAU): 829 million (16.4 million in France).
Profit in 2013: $ 1.5 billion (53 million in 2012).
Turnover in 2013: 7.85 billion dollards (+ 55% compared to revenues in 2012)
The key figures for Twitter are:
Launch Date: March 21, 2006
Monthly active users (MAU): 255 million (2.3 million in France).
500 million tweets sent daily
320,000 new accounts created every minute
User's most followed: Justin Bieber, with over 38 million followers.
Most retweeted tweet: RT over 800,000, favored more than 300 000 times (for Barack Obama)
The key figures for Google Plus are:
Launch Date: June 28, 2011 (beta)
Opening hours: 20 September 2011
Registered Members: 500 000 000
Active users (at large): 540 million
Active users (in the strict sense): 359,000,000
Time spent on the network: 6 minutes and 47 seconds per month.
Monthly active users (MAU): 1 billion
Number of views per day: 4 billion, 25% via mobile
Launching Tumblr: 2007
Monthly active users: 100 million
Number of blogs on the platform: 111,700,000
Number of publications: 51.7 billion since inception
Number of daily publications: 75800000
Statistics visit: 185,600,000 unique monthly visitors
Number of members: 150 million
Daily active users: 800000
Number of photos published on the network: more than 1 billion
Number of photos published each day: 5000000
On-year growth: + 566%
60 photos, 575 likes and 81 comments are added every second
A user follows on average 134 people
46% of users follow brands
French members 70 connect to Instagram at least once a day
Number of members: 48700000
Growth in 2012: + 2702%
65-80% of users are women
30% of users are between 25 and 34 years
Time spent on the network: 16 minutes per month
Launch of LinkedIn: 5 May 2003
Number of registered members: 277 million
Number of monthly active members: 187 million
Daily active users: 35% of members
Location: 34% of members are located in the United States
Growth: 2 new members join LinkedIn every second.
Time spent on the network: 17 minutes per month
Demographics: 79% of members are over 34 years
Average age of 44 years
Number of groups: 1500000
Mobility: 27% of visits are made via mobile
Acquisition of Slideshare: $ 119 million
Membership Slideshare: 5000000
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